El enigma de Chichén Itzá: el equinoccio

No hay ESPECTÁCULO en la PENÍNSULA DE YUCATÁN como el equinoccio en CHICHÉN ITZÁ, la sabiduría y tecnología Maya se develan con esplendor para marcar el cambio de estación, cada año el sol dibuja sobre El Castillo de Chichen Itzá una serpiente de luz. Descubre por qué la COSMOVISIÓN MAYA relacionada a este ACONTECIMIENTO NATURAL […]

The marvel of Chichen Itza’s equinox

There isn’t a more astonishing spectacle in Peninsula de Yucatan that the equinox in Chichen Itza. The wisdom and technology of the Mayan culture unveil with splendor the change of season, twice every year the sun delineates a snake out of light over “El Castillo” of Chichen Itza. Discover how the Mayan cosmovision is related […]

Playa del Carmen: consejos locales para una aventura auténtica

Playa del Carmen, o Playa, como se conoce localmente, no es un complejo hotelero o destino turístico típico. Playa es electrificante, alternativo y divertido; debido a su importancia regional y reconocimiento internacional, Playa ofrece una extensa variedad de actividades culturales. Playa es el corazón de la Riviera Maya; pequeña, sofisticada y bohemia, fue recientemente votada […]

Playa del Carmen: local tips for a local quest

Playa del Carmen (or simply ‘Playa’ as we call it) is not a typical resort complex or tourist destination. Playa is vibrant, funky and fun. Due to its regional importance and international recognition, it offers a wide variety of cultural activities. Playa is the heart of the Riviera Maya – a small sophisticated bohemian city, […]

COVID-19 Travel Update

Your peace of mind and satisfaction are the most important things to us. We take all the necessary measures and protocols for you to be safe and allow you to have a great time.

Security Protocols

  • You can reserve and pay on the day of tour.
  • If you paid in advance, 100% refund if you cancel up to 12 hours before your tour.

Security Protocols

  • Our guides wear mask at all times.
  • We arrive early so that there is less people.
  • We avoid crowded places.

Daily Sanitization

  • We deep clean and sanitize all our equipment and all our vehicles every day.

Private Tour

  • Only you and your certified archeological guide (he/she is also your driver).
  • We avoid crowded places.

We are LOCAL EXPERTS organizing the BEST private tours & NON-COMMERCIAL EXPERIENCES.

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MEX: +52-984-745-0333

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